chaotic systems

Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect

Chaos Theory: the language of (in)stability

How Chaos Control Is Changing The World

A simple guide to chaos theory - BBC World Service

Is it Possible to Predict Randomness? The Double Pendulum Experiment

Chaos Theory

Chaos Equations - Simple Mathematical Art

Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect - Predicting The Unpredictable

Chaotic Dynamical Systems

Cool Chaotic Systems

Evidence that cats are chaos incarnate

This equation will change how you see the world (the logistic map)

Chaos theory and geometry: can they predict our world? – with Tim Palmer

the Secrets of Chaotic Systems for Future Predictions#neildegrassetyson

Emergence:A chaotic system pushed into organization

Top ten chaotic dynamical systems

Why and how to design and control a chaotic system

Level 1 vs Level 2 Chaotic Systems 👽

How Chaos Theory affects the Stock Market, and explains unpredictability

Are there other Chaotic Attractors?

Mattia Serra – Organizing Chaos – Using maths to identify coherency in chaotic systems

Chaotic synchronization

Tutorial: Some examples of chaotic systems